Part of the project output is a set of 25 democracy tools cards with their description and instructions on how to apply the activity in the classroom.
Sample of those cards you can see here.
Another output is guide for teachers in free democratic schools.
Stay tuned – the updated english versions of these outputs are going to take place here soon.

Czech Norway Bridge has been crossed
The project “Czech Norway Bridge to Democracy through real participation” was completed on 31/01/2024. Before we look back at its progress and results, we first of all want to share our big gratitude to the grant provider (EHP via DZS), the project partners (Donum Felix and Nyskolen) and our entire team of School CoLibri for the great cooperation during 18 months of creative work, sharing and opportunities to grow both personally and professionally for all involved.
The whole report you’ll find here.
On 13 December 2023, the lecture “Bridge to Democracy” will take place in the hall of the Tišnov Municipal Library, Czechia.
The lecture is part of the collaboration between the CoLibri school and the Donum Felix and Nyskolen schools, as part of the project Czech-Norwegian bridge to democracy as an experience, and there will be an opportunity to learn more about democratic schools and self-directed education, democratic institutions in schools, but also, for example, the role of a teacher in the 21st century. century. Outputs from the project, the CoLibri school and how it works will be presented.

On 11/11/2023, a workshop organized by the Donum Felix school took place at the meeting of the Association of Free Democratic Schools in Údlice near Chomutov (CZ), which introduced the participants to the project and where the curriculum for pupils and teachers, which was created under the auspices of this project, was also presented.
In addition to the presentation of the curriculum content, there was also a reflection in pairs on the topic “Reasons for being a teacher in a free democratic school”
4-11/11/2022 was realised 1st Peer-learning activity in Czech Republic (9 participants – 3 CoLibri, 3 Donum Felix, 3 Nyskolen/ week stay)
8-12/5/2023 2nd Peer-learning activity took place in Oslo (3 participants from CoLibri and 4 participants from Donum Felix visited Nyskolen).
During these visits, CoLibri, Donum Felix and Nyskolen shared experiences from the democratic processes during teaching and management of a democratic school. There was an exchange of examples of good practice, the application of democratic principles at school assemblies, when resolving conflicts and within student projects.

A curriculum for teachers How to teach in democratic schools will be created, which will be presented and disseminated at 3 workshops not only for teachers of democratic schools. The curriculum will serve both existing and emerging democratic schools that the participating institutions support.
Another output of the project will be an innovative curriculum for pupils and students dedicated to democracy created according to the curriculum already used in Nyskolen. The Norwegian curriculum will be translated and updated based on the experiences of all participating schools as well as on local democratic arrangements.

Within 3 workshops, always at each project partner and beneficiary, the main outputs of the project will be presented and best practices of free democratic learning will be shared with the public, mostly focusing on teachers from democratic schools.